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Jim has no plans of slowing down as a voice-over artist. Hear why he’ll never take Evrysdi for granted.
I will never take Evrysdi for granted because I know what it was like 40 years ago. And so, having the ability to take that treatment is never wasted on me. I love my work as a voice-over artist. But I'm uniquely qualified for it, I understand technical aspect of it. Having worked at radio stations, I know what I need to have, equipment-wise, room-wise, acoustic-wise. I have friends who are or have been retired, and I have no desire to do that. For me, retirement means doing something that I enjoy, and I've always had work that I enjoy. A little bit technical, a little bit creative, a little bit fun, and this is something that I can do.
I've always done physical work, I've always been active. The last few years of high school, it was, became prevalent and obvious something was wrong. And I decided that, well, I can fix this, I can just go to the gym. So I did. I went to the gym. And on about the second machine, the owner of the gym looks at me and says, "What's your problem?" And I’ll admit, that's really the first time that it hit me. You know what, something's wrong. It was a couple of weeks later with his help I had an appointment at the local neurology center at the university hospital down the road, and that's when it all started. There comes the acceptance, there comes the realization that you need to do all you can do, but it's still never going to go away.
But imagine there's a hundred things that you do every day that are important. You get up in the morning, you stand up, you walk to the bathroom, you kiss your wife, you answer the phone, you hug your kids. There's more than a hundred things, but imagine there's a hundred things that you do. And with this disease, those go away. I found out about Evrysdi because I kept looking for what's coming next. What drove me to try Evrysdi were the good reports I was hearing from the other clinical trials.
When Evrysdi became available, it was clear to me, not only was it going to be the drug for me, but the method of delivery was something that I could do, I could do from home. We've noticed small improvements and I will continue taking it. I've been happy with them, and the doctors have been happy too. If there's one word that I could use to describe the future with Evrysdi, it would be hope.
Información de prescripción de Evrysdi® (risdiplam). Genentech, Inc.
Información de prescripción de Evrysdi® (risdiplam). Genentech, Inc.
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