Now Approved:
Same Evrysdi, now in tablet form
For illustrative purposes only.
RAINBOWFISH is an open-label study in newborns younger than 6 weeks (at first dose) with genetically diagnosed, presymptomatic SMA or infants who have been diagnosed but had not yet shown symptoms.
This was measured by a scale called BSID-III
The Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development–Third Edition (BSID-III) gross motor scale assesses a range of physical abilities such as sitting, rolling, and crawling.
This was measured by another scale called HINE-2
*1 infant could not be assessed for HINE-2 at the 1-year visit.
The Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination– Module 2 (HINE-2) assesses 8 developmental milestones for infants, including head control, sitting, voluntary grasp, ability to kick, rolling, crawling, standing, and walking.
*Permanent support was defined as having a tracheostomy (a surgery where a tube is inserted in the front of the throat into the windpipe) or more than 21 days of either non-invasive ventilation support (16 or more hours a day) or being intubated (a procedure where a breathing tube is inserted down the throat and into the windpipe) to help with breathing, in the absence of an acute reversible event.
This information is considered exploratory, which means the clinical study was not specifically designed to show a treatment effect on feeding and swallowing. Data should be interpreted with caution.
*1 infant was not assessed.
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Información de prescripción de Evrysdi® (risdiplam). Genentech, Inc.
Información de prescripción de Evrysdi® (risdiplam). Genentech, Inc.
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